After the first article about the color Gold as a Best Interior’s Color trend for this Summer, this time we’ll suggest you the color AQUA.
Although summer is typically associated with vibrant, saturated colors, bold primaries have been toned down with white to create shades of aqua, misty blue and azure.
Here are some suggestions to use this color in interiors like your Bedroom:
Match your bedroom with your bathroom’s decoration.
Another great interior to refresh with this color is your Living Room.
Pay attention not only to the rooms but with the elements you use to decorate them.
This palette of color it’s very well applied in patterns.
Freshly painted walls, distressed shutters and aqua-trimmed stemware bring a cool, delicate feel to the room, ideal for a true summer look.
Are you feeling inspired already with these clean, fresh and very summerish interiors?
Do you have any suggestions for the next Color? We would like to hear them, just mail to