Tatyana Vakhnenko
Today, Home and Decoration have the pleasure of share with you an exclusive interview with the top interior designer Tatyana Vakhnenko from Extrimo Berlin GmbH studio. As an architectural design studio, they create unique design and planning solutions for commercial projects or apartments on a turnkey basis. Notwithstanding, Extrimo Berlin offers strict supervision on each project, European quality, and budget prices. The studio offers interior design solutions, construction supervision, repair and finishing works, a complete set of furniture, and a built-in kitchen with equipment.
Exprimo Berlin’s portfolio includes apartments, offices, cafes and restaurants, repairs, and furniture. And because they have a successful experience of working remotely, the clients can relax and do their usual tasks, while they translate into reality all of their ideas.
To understand more about Tatyana Vakhnenko’s passion for design, we asked what she loves the most about her work. “The most exciting moments are when, in projects, you’re on the verge of new discoveries, of pushing boundaries. Together with your team you explore and reveal the client’s inner world through the interior and reflect their best qualities. When you take on things you haven’t done before, and by exploring boldly, you come up with stunning results.” – she said. Tatyana Vakhnenko also told us what was the biggest challenge in her career. “The most challenging time in a designer’s career – time of change. When you look back all the way, you realize that you have to be ready for something new, that the old, familiar rules don’t work anymore and you have to find new solutions, approaches, be ready for non-standard solutions. Experience should not be aggravating, it should be a springboard for new achievements.” – said Tatyana Vakhnenko.
Talking about ambition and desires, we got a bit deeper into the conversation and wanted to know more about achievements, dreams, and ambitions. Tatyana Vakhenko believes that no one alive had achieved everything in life. “I don’t know any single person who has achieved everything he wanted. All people don’t have one dream ready before they have a whole list of new ones. I’m sure the most interesting things are yet to come and it’s the exciting path, not the goal, that makes a person happy.” – she said. And continued talking about her personal and professional aspirations. “I think I’ve been dreaming pretty rarely. It’s more about big or small wishes and goals, which I for example dreamed that our work would be published worldwide in professional journals. If you and I now conduct this interview, it turns out I am already one step away from the realization of one dream.” – she explained.
Last but not the least, we wanted to understand what fulfills Tatyana Vakhenko when it comes to her professional side of life. “There are projects that require a really large expenditure of personal resources, sometimes the tasks set seem unfeasible. When you don’t give up at that moment, creative ideas come along, optimal solutions are unexpectedly found. As a result, I realize that all my efforts were not in vain, and I become incredibly proud that I did not give up, took a risk, and won. It turns out that it is impossible tasks that raise us as professionals.” – said Tatyana Vakhnenko proudly.
Tatyana Vakhnenko’s excitement about her work really got us interested in knowing more about her relationship with her clients and how she communicates with her audience. “When I work with people, the first thing is to light a fire in them, to draw them in. In the process, there are situations when you need to feel the moments when you need to be flexible and ready to compromise, and when on the contrary you need to be convincing and authoritative. Creating interiors is not just about the beautiful picture. First and foremost, you need to enthuse and inspire the client, to get on the same page with him. Offer a little more than people can dare and then the joint work will bring both parties unexpected twists and satisfaction.” – she said. She is currently working on some individual projects. “At the moment we are working on apartments for young couples and families with children, as well as projects for rentals. I am always inspired by people with whom I can open myself creatively in a new way, expand the boundaries of the usual, learn something.” – said Tatyana Vakhnenko.
Creativity is one of the main characteristics of a successful designer. So we asked Tatyana Vakhnenko what if the trend in the design world is related to this subject. “Nowadays I would call it a trend to get rid of excess. It’s not just about minimalism, it’s more about sensible consumption. In interiors now it is particularly important to put the idea, to discard tinsel and ‘youthfulness’, for example, not just to use trendy colors and bright decorative elements, but to put meaning into every object.” – said Tatyana Vakhnenko. This way we asked what is her client’s persona, meaning what kind of clients she has and what kind of interests they have. “Mostly we are approached by accomplished individuals with a broad outlook and successful careers. Some people think they know everything about design and know exactly what they want. Many, on the contrary, are open to experimentation and sometimes I admire their courage and ability to trust, and then the most stunning results are obtained.” – described Tatyana Vakhnenko. In the future, the designer plans to continue the good work. “We plan to continue to work in the design of residential properties, stores, and restaurants, and negotiations are now underway with a chain of private clinics. Also in the near future, there are ideas to carry out some architectural projects.” – she said.
Talking about craftsmanship, Tatyana Vakhnenko was very rigid in her opinion but could not be less sincere. “We are now in a time of rapid change. The change of trends, of idols, is so rapid. Those industry giants that have long held leadership positions are now in a tense struggle, restructuring, looking for new hikes, as a huge number of smaller manufactories, more mobile, not to mention factories that purposely produce many replicas, appear every day. Designer things are now entering the mass market, and unfortunately at the moment, the industry is not in pursuit of quality and exclusivity, but more of a pretty picture and a quick profit.” – she said. Still, she has a good feeling about the design’s future. And share her bright opinion with us. “There are more and more people in the world who are not only thinking, but also conscious, feeling and resonating. In this regard, in the near future, I’m betting on eco-friendliness in interiors, interiors outside of one style with a focus in detail on individuality.” – said Tatyana Vakhnenko.
We hope you liked our article with this exclusive interview with Tatyana Vakhnenko!
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