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7 Inspiring Ideas For Your Country House Decor

7 Inspiring Ideas For Your Country House Decor – If you’re thinking about giving your home a brand new look make sure that you stick to the right theme… The country design style can be quite versatile and glamorous, and the following examples are the living proof of that fact!

Maya Armchair Upholstery BRABBU

A country house decor doesn’t have to be boring or dated… in fact, many people that are from the south want to stick to their roots even if they live up in the north! How? By decorating their own homes with some rustic style details that remind them of home sweet home! That’s right these useful tips aren’t just for those of you who have a country house, these inspiring design ideas can be easily adjusted to any home decor… The secret is on one material that you must use! Are you excited to see what I’m talking about?

#1 Wood Paneled Wall Always Looks Great7 Inspiring Ideas For Your Country House Decor

This decor element can be easily incorporated in any room of your house. Whether you place it as the fireplace background or as a unique headboard for your rustic style bedroom, this incredible wooden piece will add that extra something to any room decor.

#2 Rustic Can Be Modern7 Inspiring Ideas For Your Country House Decor

These completely different interior design styles can be mixed and matched to create a unique glamorous dining room decor as you can see in the picture. This all-white dining room design can easily be from a Texas farmhouse or a Los Angeles modern apartment!

#3 White Can Glam Up Your Wood Inspired Decor7 Inspiring Ideas For Your Country House Decor

This is something that we see in the southern kitchen’s decor… If you keep it all in the woody tones, then the rest of the decor will not pop out, however, if you add an all-white decor detail, the interior design will look completely different and glamorous!

#4 Into The Woods7 Inspiring Ideas For Your Country House Decor

If you aren’t such a big fan of natural wood as the highlight of your home decor, there is nothing wrong with that! You can add rustic vibes to your room without wood-paneled anything, exposed beams, or heavy, wooden furniture… Just add a nature-inspired wallpaper, like these bare trees and the room decor will be automatically upgraded!

See also:



#5 Exposed Wood Beams Aren’t a Mistake7 Inspiring Ideas For Your Country House Decor

If you got one of these in your house, don’t take it out because they look amazing in rustic style room decor. The exposed wood beams and pale wood floors must be the stand out of your rustic style room, so for that keep the rest of the room simple with a touch of one bright color, like the bright red kitchen door in the picture.

#6 Wood and Stone Is The Perfect Match

Don’t overdo the wood theme, balance it out with other textured elements like some stone accents. This combination will make the room decor much larger, lighter and airier, instead of monochromatic and boring.

#7 Shiny Details Can Look Quite Nice

For example, in a modern rustic kitchen, these elements can work really well together… The contrast between the rustic stonework and streamlined stainless steel appliances give this kitchen decor an extra wow-factor.

Catalogue Modern House NYC

Source: 10 Rustic-Inspired Rooms You’ll Go Wild For

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