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The Most Expensive Breakfasts in the World

Even though breakfast is the most important meal of the day, is it really worth spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on, for one single serving? Well, these establishments say yes. Ranging between $60 and $38,000, these meals from around the world put your Sunday brunch at Denny’s to shame. Even opting for a fancier breakfast, complete with a mimosa or bloody Mary, usually tallies up to under $30 for one person.

For true breakfast enthusiasts, however, who also have a lot of cash they’re willing to blow, these fancy fares from Florida to London are the way to go. Whether it’s due to the location, the company, or the ingredients themselves, these eight breakfasts are the most expensive in the world.


8) The Jumeirah Carlton Hotel, London ($67)


This five star hotel in the heart of London charges 39 pounds (equivalent to 67 USD), for a single breakfast in its Rib Room Bar & Restaurant. The traditional English breakfast includes a sirloin steak or bacon, sausage and black pudding served with eggs and grilled vegetables.

Stop in on the ground floor of Jumeirah Carlton Hotel between 7 am and 11 am, if you want to shell out the dough for this British fry-up (reservations are recommended). According to their website, make sure you dress “smart casual” to fit in with their upscale patrons.


7) Cinderella’s Castle, Disney World ($60+)


Cinderella’s Royal Table breakfast, inside of Cinderella’s Castle in Disney World, Florida is $60 for the price of one adult. But with package deals like “Her Royal Highness,” which provides children with a tiara, balloon and princess cake, and “Glass Slipper Engagement,” which gives partners the chance to propose with a customized glass slipper during a private meal, prices can be royally high.

A basic breakfast in Cinderella’s castle includes ascending the majestic staircase into the banquet hall, a pastry plate appetizer, your choice of entree, like caramel apple French toast or lobster and crab crepes and, of course, the company of your favorite Disney princesses.


6) Tangberrys Coffee House, Great Britain ($256)


Tangberrys Coffee House in western England is home to the 150 pound (that’s 256 USD) Bacon Bling breakfast sandwich. The meal includes bacon from rare pig breeds, truffle, watercress, saffron and an egg all cooked in truffle oil, sprinkled with real gold dust and served between a bun. The proceeds from every Bacon Bling purchased go to two charities: SKRUM, which helps children in Swaziland learn rugby, and Regular Forces Employment Association, which helps returning veterans assimilate back to normal life.

Tangberrys’ owner, Paul Philips, told Daily Mail, “Each [sandwich] takes about 15 minutes to make and is expensive to make, but I’ll keep doing it forever if it means raising money for charity. I worked out the price by tripling what it costs to buy the products, so I think that’s fair with the time and effort put in.”


5) Le Parker Meridien, New York City ($1000)


Norma’s, the restaurant in Manhattan’s Le Parker Meridien, serves up a $1ooo omelette. For the hefty price tag, you get a frittata made with six eggs and lobster claw, and it is topped off with ten ounces of caviar. Norma’s also has a micro version that includes only one ounce of caviar and prices in at $100. Since the “Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata,” as the restaurant dubs the dish, debuted, they sold about a dozen of them. However, they sell about 50 of the $100 version per year.

The manager, Steven Pipes, has said, “We actually introduced this before the whole craze of dishes with an outrageous price tag… they all followed.”


4) Krispy Kreme UK ($1685)


This past spring, in honor of national doughnut week, Krispy Kreme UK rolled out the most expensive doughnut in the world. The lavish fried treat is filled with Dom Perignon champagne jelly, and is topped with a 24-carat gold leaf, white chocolate flowers dusted in gold and edible diamonds.

The doughnut was won by a lucky doughnut fanatic, Claudine Taylor, in Krispy Kreme’s golden ticket contest. Taylor was excited about the prize and said, “The doughnut looks too good to eat!” Krispy Kreme also donated 10,000 pounds to a charity that helps children with brain injuries, The Children’s Trust, as part of their doughnut week festivities.


3) Breakfast with the Australian Prime Minister ($10,300)


This summer, folks who wanted to rub elbows with the Australian government could pay $11,000 (that’s $10,300 USD) for a special breakfast with Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott. Unfortunately, for those with the extra cash laying around, the breakfast was a one time offer in June, as part of their 57th yearly federal council meeting.

The $11,000 was the price for just one individual, but in addition to breakfast with Prime Minister Abbott, it also included a morning tea with a senate briefing, an afternoon tea with the chiefs of staff and a policy luncheon. Tickets to the event were conveniently priced $1000 short of the $12,000 threshold for donations that must be recorded with the Australian Electoral Commission. For $11,000, we hope they had some high quality food in addition to the quality company.



2) Breakfast at West End’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s ($37,600)


A few years ago, the most expensive breakfast in the world was served up to coincide with the opening of West End’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s. At 22,000 pounds (37,600 USD), theater-goers could enjoy a feast hosted by Chambord, the French black raspberry liqueur, before the production starring Holly Golightly.

The breakfast included a croissant covered in edible gold and jewels, Bar le Duc hand-seeded redcurrant jam, Kopi Luwak coffee, and a champagne and Chambord cocktail. All this was served from a bottle covered in gold and encrusted with real pearls and diamonds. As luxurious and opulent as the Breakfast at Tiffany’sbreakfast may be, for $37,600 we would want to fill up on a little more than a croissant and jam!


1) Tray of Australian Mangoes ($38,400)


Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott was again involved in an extremely expensive breakfast at the 2010 Brisbane Produce Markets Charity Auction. This tray of first-harvest mangoes auctioned for $41,000 in Australian currency ($38,400 USD). Sam Coco was the proud winner of the fruits, but instead of keeping them for himself, he donated the mangoes to the Mater Children’s Hospital, in South Brisbane.

Many child patients must have gotten an expensive slice of mango in their breakfasts the next day. In addition to donating the actual mangoes to the children’s hospital, the winnings from the auction went to benefit charities like Diabetes Queensland and Life Education Queensland. After the auction, Sam Coco was appropriately dubbed the “Mango King.”

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