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The Most Expensive Limousines In The World

We choose the finest collection of the Most Expensive Limousines in the World. The limousine is the pinnacle of all luxury cars. It allows the passenger to sit back and enjoy the ride while being entertained by some of the finest features to ever be put into a vehicle. When a limo drives by or pulls over to a curb, everyone looking on knows that the person or persons riding in those back seats are rolling in cash.




Article originally published on August 18, 2014

Limousines can be very pricey investments. They will typically range anywhere from $100,000 to $300,000. However, some people do not feel that everyday limo is enough to satisfy their needs. Some would prefer something even more luxurious and are willing to spend a much bigger wad of cash in order to obtain it.

All the limos on this list cost at least $1 million to purchase. They are not your everyday limousines. These are highly customized or absolute top-of-the-line models. If they are not one of a kind they are one of just a very limited amount.


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