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Top Outdoor Decorating Ideas for Spring

When the mercury rises many of us emerge squinty eyed from our homes, ready to bask in the fresh air and sunshine. But also for most of us, our outdoor space has been neglected over the winter months and needs a little TLC. So to make the most of your time spent outdoors, be sure to make your space the best it can be. After all, the outdoors is a natural extension of the indoors – so don’t forget to decorate! Whether you want to garden, entertain, or just relax on your front porch, Home and Decoration has got you covered.


1. Doors and Porchestop outdoor decorating ideas for spring

The best place to start your outdoor decorating is around the front door. It doesn’t take much and it will make your house look a lot more welcoming. It also works great if you put a little bench under the porch in order for you to read your book with a little sunbath included!


2. Deck and Patio Ideas

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If you’re fortunate enough to have a deck or patio check this fantastic idea! A deck or patio are always nice places to spend some quality time with your friends. And now that Spring has just arrived, imagine yourself sitting with your friends or beloved ones in a patio like this in a warm and clear night. Awesome outdoor decorating idea!


3. Landscaping Ideas

top outdoor decorating ideas

A garden is always a must-have around your house, if you have the chance of having one of course. A garden composed with colorful flowers, some small but lovely statuettes, little and charming night lights and some kind of mini lake gives your garden and your house a different touch. A lovely and elegant touch! In our opinion this is a must-do in what concerns to outdoor decorating.


4. Lighting and Candles

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As I just said before, having your garden with some lighting and candles (not too much, but not also quite a few) turns it to a magical place to spend quality time your friends our loved ones. Imagine yourself in a warm night dining out in a garden like this. Or having a party! Fantastic!

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